Crimes Against Humanity

Many individuals (placed in guardianship) in the US have gone through its judicial system concerning abuse and theft of assets, but to no avail due to legislative design. When presented with charges of misconduct and infliction of harm on these vulnerable individuals by “state agents,” state and national authorities have turned a blind eye.

The human rights abuses that have been and are being experienced extend to vulnerable individuals of all ages. The driving factor in many of  these crimes against humanity is the amount of personal assets that are coveted and targeted for pillaging.

There is virtually nowhere to go to address this type of abuse. However, under the ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) of 1990 (as amended),

  • these individuals under guardianship fit the definition of disability pursuant to §12102 of the ADA – i.e., a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities such as caring for one’s self;
  • Congress finds that physical or mental disabilities in no way diminishes a person’s right to fully participate in all aspects of society (§ 12101, ADA); and
  • exploitation of these disabled individuals should “invoke the sweep of congressional authority including the power to enforce the 14th Amendment and to regulate commerce in order to address major areas of discrimination faced by people with disabilities,” (§ 12102, ADA) including disabled individuals under guardianship.

Yet, authorities ignore the ADA as it pertains to these vulnerable individuals who find themselves in a guardianship.

We have repeatedly requested input regarding what agency will hold accountable those entities and persons who have engaged in inflicting pain and suffering upon vulnerable individuals, taking assets, and violating these individuals’ rights under the Fifth, Eighth, and/or Fourteenth amendments of the US Constitution and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all applicable Charter Articles thereto.

Every entity approached has turned a blind eye to these human rights abuses and crimes against humanity. This conduct begs the questions why and who are engaged in complicit acts related to this abuse.

For a Human Rights Complaint, see the attached.